More churches ... by the same architect in fact as for the Goulburn church in the previous post. This is St Andrews Cathedral in the city (Protestant). The occasion here was the state funeral yesterday for popular country and western singer, Slim Dusty. The panorama shows the scene in the church a few minutes before the family and VIPs arrived. Prime Minister Howard was there. Here the PM is signing the sorry book .. and here is a member of the public outside the church, who draped himself in a flag and carried a lighted lamp, to show his feelings. The service was broadcast nationwide live, hence the large moon-like high tech lights inside the church. There were amazing scenes (amazing to me anyway) as the Prime Minister was seen to join in as the congregation sang the chorus of Slim Dusty's greatest hit ... "The Pub with no Beer" ... "for there's nothing more lonesome, morbid or drear, than to stand in the bar of a pub with no beer .." The guy in the front pew on the right is Brendan Nelson, Federal Minister for Education.
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